Questions to Ask in a Fiction Book Club
There is really no right or wrong way to run a book club. Some meet weekly, while some meet once a month, and some only for season. Some book clubs are genre-specific, while others draw names to decide which book they’re reading next.
Despite their difference, I think they would all agree that a book club should be an enjoyable time spent with other book worms.
But . . . what do you talk about when you get there?
I’m so glad you asked. I’ve compiled a list of questions to ask before, during, and after the reading.
Questions to Ask Before Reading
What genre is this book?
Is it a genre that you normally read?
What do you think the main setting will be based on the cover of the book?
What intrigues you most about the blurb (the summary on the back of the book)?
What do you think will be the plot twist based on the blurb?
Have you read this author before?
How did you learn about this book?
What initially drew you in?
Is there something that you don’t like about it?
What do you think will happen in the first chapter?
Questions to Ask During Reading
Is this book single POV (point-of-view) or does it have multiple POVs?
What do you think about the writing style so far?
What line stuck out to you most during this reading section?
Who is your favorite character so far?
Who is your least favorite character so far?
What do you think is going to happen next?
How has the main character changed?
What is one event that you wish you could have changed?
Does this book remind you of something else? This could be a personal experience, a movie, another book, etc.
If you woke up tomorrow in this story where you left off, do you think you would survive? What would you do first?
Questions to Ask After Reading
What did you like most about this book?
What didn’t you like about it?
What would you change?
Do you plan to read something by this author again?
What character did you relate to most?
Who had the most interesting character arc?
What surprised you the most?
What rating did you give this book?
If this story continued, what do you think would happen next?
Did you think the cover helped tell the story?